Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pink white flower

What is the law of attraction? How does it work? How can we examine it and even understand it? We would like everything in our life to be attractive the way love or wealth is! More often than ever we hear people stating that a positive thinking will ensure a good turning into reality of your dreams. Who wouldn’t like this law of attraction working for him?

How a thought attracts another thought:

We notice that people tend to get attracted to people like them; for instance we have minded people attracted to other minded people. Beauties attract beauties; smart people are attracted by smart people while virtue attracts virtue. This is how the law of attraction works. What we call psychic energy is generated by the human emotions. Whether we like it or not or whether we wish a certain thing or not the attraction still exists. Even if it exists, in this whole process you might have it work for you or not. You will know that the law of attraction worked for you if you notice that your life is better than it used to be. It’s all up to you. Nevertheless, you need to stay focus on things such as your purposes, love, and truth and so on and so forth.

It happens often enough to have the mind filled with senseless or negative thoughts which means that our entire life is based on such unconstructive and negative thinking. There is no conscious in the law of attraction that might tell whether your judgment is a good or a bad one. What the law actually knows is the way you think about something. So what you need to do is to stop visualizing the life you lead and to try to see the one you would like to have. There must be some purposes you would like to attain. Visualize them and use the techniques that will help you turn them into real things. This is how the law of attraction works.

One only has to follow some rules which are quite simple and they will get the ideal life. Stop complaining about every little single thing you don’t like about your life. Start acting responsible. Try to follow some examples: take for instance as models the persons who are successful in their life. Make some notes and start setting some purposes for you to attain; think pink, have positive big dreams. You will soon notice that the law of attraction really works, so does the mantra.

Small white flowers

I love large Christmas trees – the bigger the better! But not everyone has the room or budget for them. They take a lot of space and are very expensive, seemingly more so every single year. Do you have an enormous amount of room available and a big budget, as well as a small army of men to cut, carry, and place the tree where you’d like it? Maybe you only aspire to a 6 or 7 foot tree, but that is a lot of work and money as well. Many of us need to be far more practical and go for a smaller Christmas tree. Fortunately there are lots of options available so read on.

A tabletop Christmas tree is a catch all term that means a smaller tree of any type regardless of whether it’s on a table top or not. It could be an eighteen inch bonsai tree that is festooned in the Christmas style, a potted topiary plant, or even a ceramic tree, but more often is some kind of pine tree as most natural trees are. Most smaller trees I've seen are artificial and are reused year after year, but natural trees are common as well. They could be a smaller tree or the top cut off of a larger tree instead. A good quality artificial one will look so real that unless someone examines it extremely closely they will not be able to tell that it’s not real! They come in various styles imitating different trees like Monroe Pines, Aberdeen Pines, Mountain Firs, Alberta Pines and many others. The better ones have numerous variations in their colorings just like natural trees do. They’ll have everything except for the wonderful aroma and mess of falling needles.

Some artificial trees that don't remotely look natural are popular as well. They range from space age shiny aluminum trees, to red, blue, and other festive colors and styles. The silver or aluminum tree was introduced in the late 50s and became popular in the 60s, often with a rotating color wheel which alternately shined different colored lights on it creating a pretty neat effect. They are very popular once again and perfect for many people! Do you want a natural or natural looking tree? If not then one of these colored trees may be perfect for you.

We have a natural tree at home as well as a couple of tabletop ones. No way I could fit a full size one in my office, and the little one I'm enjoy here right now is awesome! The natural tree is rather large, and a lot of work. From buying it, carting it home, getting it centered in the tree stand, watering and picking up needles daily, decorating, and finally disposing of the tree, it’s a lot of work. The artificial tabletop trees however are almost zero work at all. They setup quickly, take down quickly, can be reused for many many years, and are economical. Many of them even come predecorated and sometimes with fiber optic lights built in!

Paper white flowers

As your business grows, the increasing number of employees, clients, products, services, and functions increases the complexity of organizing the data associated with each of these entities. One way to streamline system processes and data control is with the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software.

ERP solutions are designed to integrate all of the data and processes within your company into a single system. A single system allows for data from one process to be used by a second process, with a single database tying the systems together.

Businesses without a central ERP system spend a lot of time performing redundant tasks, re-entering data, and reconciling duplicate data. Data entered into one system may appear different in another system. These additional tasks result in increased labour and personnel frustration. An ERP system eliminates vertical data silos in your organization, breaking down the virtual walls between departments.

One database contains all company data, and all departments pull data from the same database.

While the end results of a streamlined system include increased productivity and data availability, the prospect of selecting and integrating an ERP software solution into your business can be daunting. It is certainly a major undertaking to uproot many of your entrenched systems and train personnel to use the new system, but understanding how the ERP software system will improve your business processes and creating a strategic implementation plan will keep the end benefits in your mind and smooth the integration of the ERP software into you business.

Selecting an ERP Solution The first step in the implementation process is to select the ERP software solution that is most appropriate for your business. This requires you to determine what your goals are as a business and what you want an ERP system to do to help you achieve those goals. You need to look at the people who will be actually using the software, including which department functions will be included in the integration and how to include your personnel in the decision process. You need to determine what you want the ERP software to do for your business and to list the functions that are required for your business. Finally, you ll need to research different ERP software vendors, since each package has pros and cons that may or may not be right for your company s needs.

Determining Your Goals When researching potential ERP packages, you need to have a clear understanding of what your goals are as a business, and what you want out of an ERP software system. You need to ask yourself specific questions to determine what the precise needs of your business are. Some of these questions may include:

- What process and productivity goals are you trying to achieve through the new ERP system? One of the primary reasons for implementing an ERP system is to improve productivity across the company by streamlining how different departments are connected and how they use each other s data. Knowing the specific goals for your business will make it easier for you to select the right vendor and software package to meet your goals.

- Which departments will be most affected and should have the most say in the decision? Some companies that integrate ERP software into their business only focus on specific departments within their business, such as accounting and payroll. Others want a system-wide package that will impact all departments. Knowing which departments will be affected will allow you to build a planning and implementation team with representatives from all of the affected departments.

- How will you determine success? What are the success metrics? Within what timeframe should it be implemented? It will be impossible to achieve success if you do not know what success means to your business. Knowing the metrics that you want to monitor will allow you to manage the implementation process to ensure that success is met. Your business goals are the direct driver behind selecting an ERP software solution.

If a certain system will not help you directly achieve your goals, then any investment in that system is wasted money.

On the other hand, you may discover through this goal evaluation process that an ERP solution is not the right solution for your company at this time. An ERP software system is a significant investment in time and resources, and committing to this sort of investment for the sole reason that other businesses like yours are making this investment is not a logical conclusion. Your goal at this point may be to find the right ERP solution for your business, but it is important to keep an open mind. You should not invest in such a wide-reaching system if your business could be better served through process improvements or a redesign of your organizational structure.

White flowering

White can be a soothing and relaxing color to see. For some people white is simply a refreshing color while for others it is a dull, common color. If you have been in the web business for quite a while you would often hear the word white space. What does this term mean? Simply put, white space is a term used to denote open space between designs. It is like creating a site that is neat to look at with lots of room or space. Most graphic designers often opt for having white space in their design because having a simply uncluttered site makes visitors and net surfers feel comfortable.

You have probably seen in the television people asking for help to renovate their house because they feel that it is too untidy and unpleasant to live with. Perhaps they want to change their furniture, change their wall paint or move a few things to make everything in order. After living years in complete mess and untidy house and after hearing thousands of comments from friends and relatives about their uninhabitable house they finally want to have a house that is neat, clean and simple for a change. After the renovation and remodeling you finally came home and were surprised with your new house. Isn’t it a great feeling to come in a house that is tidy and roomy? Doesn’t it make you feel you want to stay for a long time there?

Well, this is also what people who visit your site will feel when they see that your space is comfortable to read and visit. They will be encouraged to stay for a while and read through the whole site. It is, thus, important to provide enough spaces between visuals and text in your page as it can help guide your reader’s eye from one point to another. Oftentimes, designers tend to overlook these white spaces in their clamor to create an attractive and stylish design. Nonetheless, white spaces must never be taken for granted. Designers have to keep in mind that if they want the design to be appealing they must also be easy on the eyes. Remember that if there is not enough white space in the page, texts can be unreadable, images can be blurred and there would be no balance in the elements on the page.

So make your web site as user friendly as much as it can be. Consider white space as more than a plain background. Think of it as an important part of the design. You will find it more appealing and comfortable to look at your site, thus, allowing you to effectively deliver your message to the readers and site visitors.

White rose flowers

Flowers have been used for centuries to display a man’s love for a woman. It all began with the humble red rose- the redder the rose, the more a man was supposed to love a woman. Today, however, giving flowers to people has gone a long way from merely sitting in a vase near grandpa’s bed in the hospital.

Flowers say a lot, in fact they have their own language. There is supposed to be a message attached to each flower. For example while red roses speak about love, yellow roses are a sign of friendship. Lilies and carnations have their own romantic glow, while daisies are again supposed to be flowers that bring cheer to friends. In this expensive world, it may not be possible for each of us to have our own little patch of earth, in which flowers grow. If there is an occasion to celebrate, we now have our florists, local supermarkets and online shops to turn to. Flowers are now considered a good business to be in, which bring in quite a few returns. Nowadays, not only is it possible to have the flowers of your choice gift wrapped, with a card attached, but the moment can be made even more special through home or office delivery. If you cannot make it for a friend’s party, or some other occasion, a bunch of bright beautiful flowers will more than simply make up for it.

Red roses however, have lived on for centuries and one can only see their aromatic presence playing a role in love for generations hereafter. Will any other flower ever displace the rose? Not likely at all. But whatever be the flower of love, their role in relationships of all kinds is only growing day by day. Need some friendship quotes to deliver with flowers and to make it special?

If you look at the history, flowers have played a vital role on all occasions whether its somebody birthday, marriage or any function in the house. A bunch of flowers has always proved to be the best gift ever to be given to anyone of all ages. Red rose carries a special importance though apart from other flowers. Lovely fresh beautiful roses is the best way to end enemies between two persons. Flowers are actually a symbol of friendship which not only brings two people close to each other but also makes their relationship the best and very strong. Few years back there has been a trend to keep red roses in books as a mark of love and expression of feelings. And after some years that particular rose carries a lot of meaning and closeness for that person.

Red Rose as the name speaks a lot many things is the most likely gift which is accepted world wide. no matter what the boundaries are, no matter how big enemies you have, a red rose brings smile on the face of everyone. There is also a particular season of red roses depending upon the country to country. In India, months of November, December, January and February are the best season of love and red roses in which there are always love, friendship and romance in the air everywhere.

White flower garden

Recently I must have had sucker tattooed on my forehead because just when I thought my summer gardening season was winding down into a nice relaxed not hard labor kind of fall a friend baited me into a conversation about their landscaping and the outcome was I ended up helping them redesign a garden. Some where along the line the topic shifted from trucking in new dirt to build up the flower beds and improving the soil quality to pathways, accents and decorations. Dirt I'm certain when it arrives will involve a little bit of my own effort and sweat.

The good news is that the area was already was being used as a garden space. She had a beautiful collection of withering plants, a robust and abundant weed collection, and mulch that hadn't been topped or refreshed since dinosaurs roamed the earth.

After talking for a while about hearty plants since my friend claimed to be cursed with brown thumb rather than a green one. We quickly determined some of the problems with the existing space. The plantings were random, some of which “were itchy” and well she had a busy life and while their family enjoyed the beauty of a garden they weren't they type that wanted to do a lot to keep it up.

Now in all fairness I have a few flowerbeds that I let run their natural course outside the use of fresh mulch every spring, fertilizer or bone meal twice a year and on occasion during a long hot summer dry spell a few drops of water.

So the determination was hearty resilient plants would be in order and we settled on a mix of decorative grasses for the back drop. After all they'd only need looked at once a year at most to cut down the previous years growth. With the border and sides lined with Moon bean Coreopsis to add a touch of yellow with the flower's daisy like playfulness . Leaving about a 5 ft wide patch down the length of the garden.

So after a bit more debate we decided that a flag stone walking path fit her style after all stones don't need much maintenance and additional stones would be used in sections of the flower beds giving her a solid surface to place planters and urns filled will annuals. As a matter of fact they could be changed to fit the season. A bright and early spring mix that could be added to the compost heap as they wilted and turned to straw. OK who am I kidding pulled out and dumped in some out of site spot but the same effect in short they plats will break down. Then refresh the soil in the planters and a hearty summer mix. By this time next year what ever color Mums strike her fancy.

At first glance the thought is that planters are more work than jut putting the flowers in the ground. After all they dry out quicker that means watering. Add to that planting three times each year. But it also adds the ability to go buy the local nursery and grab what ever is in season ensuring a spring summer and fall filled with color and scent. Planters all but eliminate the concern of what it it doesn't grow? Forgot to water, found a way to kill it, and things aren't going so good the answer is simple go buy another mix for a few dollars. Planters and urns can add a touch of personal style to any design from formal to casual and with the selection available today from classic to modern in design. Quality planters should last years if not a life time when cared for properly and can always be used in other area's of the home garden or patio.

White lilies flowers

As the rose to the flower garden, so is the Water Lily to our lakes and ponds. In the summer stillness of some reed fringed backwater, the crowning note of beauty will be found in a fleet of Lilies moored by hidden cables. Who can forget the sight of the creamy cups sparkling with the morning dew, as the sun scatters the dawn mists from the surface of some placid lake? Or in the blue mystery of night, when the folded flowers shine like silver lamps to guide our boats through the shadows.

If water gardens existed for the sake of this one flower, they would be worth all the love and labor in our power to give.

And yet Water Lilies are much neglected. For them it is worth clearing and cleaning the hundreds of weed grown ponds. Small tanks and tubs might be prepared, the possession of even a few square feet of water surface should be an excuse for growing plants of the hardy kinds.

Perhaps the fallacy that Water Lilies, as a family, are extremely delicate, is difficult to disprove. The fact that they flower freely in lakes and ponds, which in winter are thickly covered with ice, should in itself be sufficient to dispel any such prejudice. Certain varieties require warm and sheltered quarters, but even in exposed situations the available list is by no means small.

In spite of the beauty of flower and leaf as displayed, Water Lilies owe much of their charm to suitable surroundings and graceful grouping.

On natural pieces of water they should always be planted close in-shore, so that they may be appreciated without trouble from the bank. A sheltered bay, surrounded by flowering reeds and with wooded margins, would be an ideal spot for a few good patches. Sunshine is essential, but in an exposed position they rarely look their best. Absolute tranquillity seems necessary in order to realise their full charm, on the mirrored surface of a sunlit pool, each bloom stands out clear cut and delicate.

There is something in the sculptured form of this flower that particularly fits it for association with water gardens of a formal type. In large places the possession of a small Lily Court, with sunk tank and enclosing walls of masonry, will provide a picture of supreme beauty.

An advantage of tanks over ponds and streams, consists in the ease with which the plants may be looked after. Not only can growth be curtailed and overcrowding checked, but the roots may be furnished with just enough soil as is conducive to healthy development and free flowering. In many cases the mud in ponds and lakes is poor, improvement in this direction being difficult, if not impossible. As a consequence, the crop of bloom decreases annually, whilst leaf growth is correspondingly coarse and rampant.

As a rule the more vigorous growers should be reserved for ponds and open water, as the Lily petioles should be allowed to attain their full length, and the plants are impatient of too much restraint. The smaller kinds will thrive in tanks and tubs, with a depth of two to three feet of water. In case of frost, it is advisable that the crowns shall be at least twelve inches below the surface during the winter.

White lily flowers

John Singer Sargent was an American artist born in Florence Italy, to American and expatriate parents. Receiving his first formal art instruction in the City of Rome in 1868, the young John Singer Sargent floated around Florence between 1870 in 1873, before he was accepted at the Paris Cold Art School. Although a dual citizen of America and France, it would take John Singer, until the age of 21, before he would step foot on American soil. Intensely intelligent and trilingual in several languages, Sargent was able to rub elbows with some of the most important European aristocracy, and wooed the American well-heeled socialites, as well. With everything that John Singer Sargent attempted to complete, came success and notoriety. This American artist was said to have a special quality about him, a mere attraction that screamed brilliance and periscope-absolute refinement. The only hurdle left was the question of what John Singer Sargent would do next; a brilliant artist is as well as dynamic personality, he had the world at his feet. That question was answered in relatively short time as Sargent became one of the world’s greatest artists and one of the most sought after muralist, in both Europe and America.

John Singer Sargent was humble to a certain degree, yet could be calculating and direct when needed, and once said that color is an inborn gift, but appreciation of color value is merely training of the eye, which everyone ought to be able to acquire. Although born into a well-to-do family, John Singer Sargent also possessed a work attitude that bordered on the edge of fanatical. Even though obviously genetically gifted in the artistic world, John Singer started and was not satisfied with this and would spend long days, sketching everything that crossed his path, and would say that you can do sketches enough, sketched everything and key good curiosity for us, and testament to his own characteristics and successful demeanor.

John Singer Sargent became one of the most successful portrait painters of his era, and also was a gifted and sought after land state painter. John Singer Sargent never wavered in his love of France and Europe yet found the natural beauty of America, to be more than accommodating for his artistic desires. One of his most remarkable paintings, ‘Carnation Lily Lily Rose’, was painted in 1885, and shows the detail that only John Singer Sargent could pull off and produce from an oil painting. This masterful work of art has an equally matching and wonderful storyline, behind its creation and inspiration. The painting was created during the autumn time at Farnham House and Russell House, which were the family homes of Frank Millet. The two girls pictured in the painting are the daughters of Frederick Bonnard and his wife Alice. John Singer Sargent wanted to illustrate the fading of the flowered background, and highlighted the lily white dresses, in an attempt to contrast the beauty of life with the finality of death. The work took a full week or so, with painstakingly readiness of both children and Millet and Bernard family. This was in a time when only the natural light would do and this comes across in this truly masterful production by John Singer Sargent. John Singer Sargent illustrated his approach to painting Carnation Lily Lily Rose, when he pointed out that the paints have no chance at capturing the most- central quality and beauty of the flowers and bright green lawn background, what was produced, was one of the most stunningly beautiful reflections of light on canvas of all the 19th century artesian of the era. By capturing the many different types of light that was flooding down upon the ‘Lily’ scene Sergeant was able to adequately cement his mane in place for one of the most spectacular artist that came out of Europe or the Americas.

White orchid flowers

Orchids are a thing of beauty, one of the most impressive flowers you can have at home is an orchid. Because Orchids come from a very large family there is a huge variation in the different types of Orchids available on the market. Orchids are not the most difficult flowers to take care of, but they do need some attention, you can have a significant effect on the orchids you grow.

Wild orchid is simply a wonderful flower that everyone should own, a wild orchid has a unique look and style of growth. Wild orchids have an amazing verity of species, each with its own beautiful shape and coloring. Orchids in general and wild orchids in particular require that you decide where you think you will place the orchids before you actually buy them, the care needed for orchids demands that you provide them with enough humidity and air flow, and there is a huge difference between placing an orchid at home or have a wild orchid in your garden.

As a person who knows the importance of flowers for stress relief and house decoration I can absolutely say with confidence that orchids provide an abundance of pleasure just from watching them, even a person that is completely indifferent to flowers will enjoy looking at a blooming orchid, the vast variety of the orchid family makes it almost impossible for the regular person to get familiar with a kind of orchid.

Orchid have about 35,000 different species, originally this flower grow on trees and used them as hosts, this doesn’t mean that orchids can not bloom and grow without a tree host. The orchid family, because of its diversity is a extremely adaptable flower, contrast to popular belief, the orchids are a very well adjusted family of flowers.

Orchids are “planned” to lure insects for reproduction means, by getting the insect to land on the flower, it sticks some of the orchid “signature” on the insect and when this insect than leaves the orchid it bares with it the markings of that particular orchid.

Orchids have a well documented history, because of the orchids popularity in almost all parts of the world, many written books and articles had mentioned the orchid flower and the variety of the orchid family in flowers. The earliest written evidence of their presence if in the form of Chinese and Japanese drawing and literature of the circa 700 B.C. in past times the orchid was believed to have healing powers and was used, by many cultures, as a sort of a herbal or natural remedy.

Plant white flowers

When you are planning out your planting calendar for your outdoor flower garden, there are several things that you need to keep in mind. Two of the main factors are what type of plant you are planting and what type of climate that you live in, as these will both be very important factors in your planting schedule. Another thing to factor in is the current weather as every year can be different. If you have early spring plants, you may have to hold off on planting them until you are sure that the last frost is gone if it’s a particularly cold year. The best time to start your flower garden varies depending on the type of plant as well.


Annual plants are those that need to be planted again every year. These are more delicate plants and you need to make sure that they are planted after the last spring frost, otherwise there is a very good chance that they will freeze with the next cold snap. There are a couple of exceptions which include violas and pansies. These are sold as cold weather annuals and can last through harsher weather conditions.

Bare Root Perennials

Perennials are sold either as bare root plants or container grown. If you have purchased a dormant bare root plant, as soon as you can work the ground, you can plant it. This is when the soil is no longer frozen but not wet and muddy either. Dormant bare root plants need to wake up slowly with the season and this is the perfect way to do this. If you have to store the plant before planting it, you want to keep it in a cool, dark place, but only for a couple of days. Get it in the ground as soon as possible and keep it out of warm areas or else the root may start to grow before you have a chance to transplant.

Container Grown Perennial Plants

If the container grown perennial has been grown outdoors, you can transplant it as soon as you purchase it, assuming that the ground is workable. Those which have been grown in a greenhouse, however, need time to adapt to the outdoor conditions. These can be hardened by setting the pot out in the sun each morning and keeping it in a more protected area during the remainder of the day and night. Make sure that it also has protection from the wind and the frost if it has leafed out. Keep it watered enough so that the soil is as moist as a wrung out sponge. After leaving it in these conditions for a week, you can transplant the flowers into your garden.